Howdy there! Thanks for joining me. I'm sharing with you my favourite finds from this month. I have done a lot of shopping on Depop and browsing round thrift shops and I've had a really successful month on the shopping front, so I thought: What better way to celebrate my shopping success than to blog about it...
My first find are these adorable pumps. I have been after some black pumps for ages just to go with everything and the last pair I had got ruined at a foam party and it's taken me this long to finally replace them with these beauties. These were from a seller on Depop for £8.00. At first I thought they were a tiny bit small, devastation was kicking in... however once I wore them in for a day they were fine. I love them and although brought second hand they are in great condition - Brill!
Another Depop find in the form of this absolutely beautiful skirt! I have seen this on Ark for ages and vouched to myself that I would buy it on payday. However before payday came, I was browsing on Depop and happened to stumble upon it, my size and a fraction of the price.. if that's not meant to be then I don't know what is! So I grabbed it and I LOVE it, I basically wear it all the time now and the colours are great to go with pretty much anything, what more can a girl ask for?!
I have saved my favourite for last! I have been after a little black shoulder bag after my last one broke in the madness of Malia! Anyway it's taken me a while to finally get one that I liked and it was in the shape of this beautiful Topshop find in my local charity shop. As soon as I spotted it in the window I had to have it and at a mere £6, it couldn't have been anymore perfect. I love the way there are a combination of different materials and the chain strap detail gives it that Channel-esque classic look which is why this is my favorite find this month!
And that concludes my finds, I wanted to share my love for them with you and I hope you enjoyed reading. Have you got any bargain finds this month that you're dying to share? Comment and let me know!
Thanks for stopping by.
Until next time,