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Sunday, 15 March 2015

10 Things About Me!

Good evening dearest ones. It's Thursday *I know it's totally not Thursday, this is when I drafted this post hoping that I would also be really productive and post it at the same time... as you can now see, this did not haappen...*, I hope you're all having a great week with what ever delights you might be up to. 

I'm coming to you with something different tonight. I have been blogging for a while now and I suddenly thought that you guy's don't really know much about me at all. So after a couple of notes to try and actually think of something interesting to write about myself  - this post was born.
So here goes, here are 10  things that you may not know about me. 

1. I am a twin, my twin is a brother and he's probably my favourite person in my life (apart from D). 
He's also a bit of a thing on youtube, check out his channel here: sebmiling

2. I have 2 tattoos, one of a bumble bee on my lower back and 1 little squigle on my foot. 

3. I am an absolute hopeless romantic and I am easily won over with chocolate and flowers.
4. I have a cat called Tommy, whom I brought and then told my parents I found him in a box so that we could keep him... they still don't know the truth! - Oops! 

5. I am in love with nature and the great outdoors. If I could become a hippy and live in the woods at one with nature, I probably would. 

6. Food is quite possibly my favourite thing. I look forward to the parts in the day that I know I am going to be eating. 
any excuse to get a LOTR gif in! 

7. I have very dark brown eyes which my mother calls my reindeer eyes, they are my favourite thing about myself. 

8. I'm a bit obsessed with all thing LOTR/The Hobbit. I think I've lost count of how many times I have sat down with my brother and just watched one of these films. Thank you to my wonderful boyfriend for introducing me to the wonder that is these fabulous films. 

9. I have to be wearing nail varnish at all times. Even if it's chipped or peeling. At least it's still there. I have actually just done them tonight as I am writing this post. 
have a lovely picture of my newly painted nails! 

10. I would rather spend a night in, with a really great film, a bottle of wine and my man snuggled up next to me than go out on the lash. Soppy I know and I actually don't even like the fact that this is what a prefer but I have tried to deny if for too long now, this is the truth and I can't hide it any longer. 

And there we have it. I don't even know if these points are actually anything interesting about me but, some of them are not things that I share too often so, go you!

So, you know more about me, I would LOVE to get to know more of you. Leave me some comments with some random facts about yourself, I would love to share some more with you. 

Until next time my lovelies. 

Lots of love, 
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  1. Replies
    1. Did I mentioned I love cats? :3

    2. Hi Gina,
      Thank you I'm sure my cat will appreciate your comment! I am also a lover of cats!
      Thank you for reading xoxo

    3. You should make a blog post about cats to my mind xD this is crazy, but cool idea :>
