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Monday, 20 October 2014

Me, Myself & Acne

Well Hello there! I have been away for ages so I just want to sincerely apologise for that. Life has been absolutely hectic and I've not even done anything!
 I hate not being able to prioritise blogging as I abolutely love it but life has just taken over and that's sad for me to say BUT I am now back. I know you've missed me loads right?! *blushes*.
Anyway I am back with quite a personal blog about my struggles with acne throughout my teenage years. It is a topic which I have dodged for as long as I possibly can and now I am speaking out!
I have struggled with acne for my whole teenage life. Acne came to me as a compulsary part of puberty which I had to deal with and learn to manage just as my hormones were going up and down like a yoyo which, if you know anything about acne, isn't the nicest of situations.
I think that my acne was probably at it's worst when I was around 15. This was when I really struggled. Boys were becoming part of my life and I was starting to get bullied because of the "chiken pox" on my face. I literally felt that there was no one else in this whole world that struggled with acne like I did. When all your friends have beautiful skin,  it's really hard to feel that it's "just a phase which everyone goes through". Friends would get the occasional break out but it was nothing compared to the sore skin which I went through. I would get angry at myself for envying my friends. This is when I started to pick at my skin. I would pick and scratch to try and get rid of the dry spots. It's probably the worst thing I could have ever done as now I will be left with the scarring for the rest of my life so I really don't reccomend any one who is going through acne to pick. However I do know that at the time it seems like the only way to get rid of the spots/scabs.

I would say the hardest part of being a teenager with acne is the pressure these days to always look good. There's always something whether it's the fact that you've but on a bit too much weight so now the top of your thighs are touching or the fact that everybody's skin was just so perfect and mine looked like the himalayas. It made me so self concious, I never ever left the house without make up on, I wouldn't even answer the door to the post man if I didn't have at least foundation on to cover my skin. I would be so scared at sleepovers with my friends that when I woke up they would judge me because my make up would have worn off over night and they would truley see the 'state' of my face. Don't even get me started on trying to talk/interact with boys.
I actually went through a horrible experience with a boy who I liked a lot when I was about 14. He was my first kiss and to any girl, the boy you share your first kiss with is a special one. He actually bullied me slightly because of my skin. He grew up to be lovely and we were quite good friends towards the end of high school but he did bully me about my skin which you can imaging did not help my confidence on the boy front. It was hard for me to be myself around boys as I was alwasy contious of what they would think of my face. It wasn't until I left school really that my confidence grew. I met a new group of friends and a lovely boy who brought me out of my shell and I do truly believe that he made me who I am today. Nothing worked out romantically with him and we just parted as good friends now, it was sad but it also lead me to D who I could not be happier with.
When I was growing up, I never thought I would be able to let a boy into my life as much as I do with D. I don't really feel obliged to wear make up around him even though I would prefer to wear it, sometimes I just can't be bothered and that's totally fine. The fact that a boy can even look/kiss/call me beautiful when I'm not hiding behind a make up mask is all that I could ever have wished for, to feel totally accepted as myself. I actually went out in public the other day with nothing but some moisturiser and a bit of powder on my face and I was totally fine - go me!
So, now for the advice. If you are a teenager struggling with acne the best thing I can recommend is go and see your doctor. I actually didn't go and see a doctor until I was nearly 16, after I realised that there was literally nothing over the counter that was working for me. My skin was sore and it was starting to scar. I put it off for so long because I was nervous and didn't really think that a doctor would be able to do anything for me, I was totally wrong.
Now I'm not saying that you're going to go to the doctor, get one tablet and some cream and it's all going to go away. It's taken me ages to find the tablet that has worked best for me and I do still get some small break outs, nothing sore or scabby like I did growing up but they still happen. You have to try different things, every person is so different and their skin and bodies require different things. However you're never going to find out what your skin needs if you don't go and speak to your doctor. I also now have a dermotologist who is really good at giving me tips and everyday techniques which I can do to help control my skin, so if you've not already seen a dermotologist, definately give that a go as well.
Please just don't suffer in silence, there are so many people who struggle with acne and people just don't hear about it. I will do a post with the best make-up and tips of things to help control your skin but for now, this has been my story.
If you have any questions about dealing with acne or any tips to help keep break outs to a minimum, please leave a comment, I would love to hear from you all!
To close, have a confident selfie of my naked face! (First naked face selfie I have ever put on the internet - feel privaliged!)
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Friday, 11 July 2014

2 Years of Trixybelle & D!

This week was the anniversary of my relationship with D! I will try to make this post as soppy free as I possibly can however if you're not into all that soppyness, leave now so I can be remotely soppy in peace.
To mark this day, I wanted to share with you some of my favourite memories over the past 2 years that me and D have shared. "2 years worth of photos?!" I hear you cry - don't worry I have only picked out the best of the bunch for you lovely lot - aren't you lucky! Don't say I never treat you. Enjoy the photo memories! 

Lets start at the very beginning... almost...! I hope from my duck face and D's lovely pout you can tell that this is after the shots at the bar?! This was the first party we went to as a public couple. I love this photo, number 1 reason, I love this dress a lot and number 2 reason, it reminds me of what it was like before I had D by my side - which in case you're wondering was awful - compared to what our life is like now we have each other. I love looking back at this just loving how far we have come!

 New year 2013. Our first new year together. Excuse my ginger hair by the way, i'm not too sure how that happened although I did love it at the time.. Anyway.. I actually didn't realise my tongue was that long either... ANYWAY! - We have developed a tradition of going to our friends for new year and I've got to say it's the best way to spend it. With it being the first new year we spent together it will always hold a special place with me.

A couple of days after new year and it was my 18th. This is my all time favourite picture of me and D. It is the one which  I have in my frame by my bed and the one I always use in anything I do about us. Just look how radiant we look?! 

Last summer now at a local beer festival near us. It was a glorious day filled with friends, music and lots of cider...! Probably one of my favourite days of last year. Drunk in a field with loads of beer, cider, bitter and good music, what more can you wish for?!  All spent with my favourite person by my side, no not you - D!

Excuse the sweatyness, bad quality and half a bra out-ness of this photo! It was taken on a spontaneous night out with my two favourite people - D & my bro. Only 3 of us being out is usually an excuse to not go out but this will go down as one of my favourite nights out of all time. We all get on so well and it was nice not having the drama of other people around - if you guys are both reading, we're doing it again soon right?! 

We might have gone back a couple of months here but this is our one year anniversary picture. How cute are we? I can't believe this was a year ago but it has flown by and now we're another year later! I literally can't believe it. Time, if you're listening, I suggest you do some serious slowing down, thanks.

Don't we scrub up well ey? (I know the ginger hair has returned, I can blame the sun for bleaching it this time!) This was D's nephew's christening - the most beautiful baby in all of the world might I just add! Such a lovely day and great to feel so part of D's family, and D looks so handsome how can you not love this piccy?! 

This is a serious fast forward now from October 13 to June this year! I was going to add some picky's of Christmas and what not and then I remembered my promise about not showing you every photo of the past 2 years so I thought I would speed things up a little. I'm sure that you can tell from D's top that this was the first England world cup game this year. A major disappointment of a game but still, it was the World cup and we were excited and ended up having a really fun night - so here we are!
So fast forwarding again but I feel that I have probably been soppy enough for one blog post so this is us now. Out 2 year anniversary photo. I feel that the past 2 years have been the best of my life and I just cant wait for more years that we hopefully spend together in the future. Haven't we grown up ey?! I feel like we look totally different from the first picture on this post haha! D just getting more beautiful though!
So that concludes my photo memories. There are so many more that  I wanted to post as you can imagine. But like I said, I didn't want to bore you with 2 whole years of my life in one post!
Lets hope this time next year you will see photo memories from our 3rd year together!
Thank you for reading, and I hope you don't mind my soppiness for this one occasion!
Have a lovely weekend my sweeties!
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Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Top 10 Holiday Playlist Hits!

Greetings to you dear human, I hope all is well in the world of blogging and general internetting. 
Today i'm feeling musical and I realised i'd not done a musical blog post for a while so what better mood to write a musical blog than a musical mood?! 
To celebrate this wondrous musical mood,  I thought I would but together my top 10 holiday playlist hits from the charts right now. For all of you who are heading off on your jolly's this summer, or if you're not, this post is sure to get you feeling mighty fine and ready to smash the summer! 
10. Hideaway - Kiesza 
This song is getting slightly old in the charts now but I feel that it's a great way to start off my summer playlist. I love this song as I love the easy going feeling it has to it. I feel like it is a great summer song and great to get you feeling in the summer mood but not too upbeat and dancey (that's not a word but you get my gist...) I'm thinking its more easy listening beach time chill kind of song... Are you imagining being on a beach now listening to this with the waves lapping around your feet? I know you are.. 
This is a great song with a fantastic feel good summer vibe and a perfect song choice for my No 10 spot. 

9. Fancy - Iggy Azalea
This is such a guilty pleasure of mine, I'm not usually a fan of songs like this one but I love Iggy. I love her style and her confidence to be such a strong female rapper - would you call her a rapper? I don't really know.. But anyway I totally love this song and although it is getting a bit old in the charts now, it is still a worthy place on my top 10 and a great way to get feeling fancy this summer. She's also rather fancy herself... 

8. Nobody To Love - Sigma 
Now I do have to admit that  I was a sound hater of this song when I first heard it. To be totally honest I don't really understand it... however, adding this to my holiday playlist has turned me into a lover! I love putting it on when it's really sunny outside and i'm thinking about my holiday, it just gets me feeling all excited and ready to take on the day... or the week or what ever it may be when you're listening to it. If it's not on your holiday playlist, I strongly suggest that you get it on there now... go on do it... I promise you wont regret it when you put that playlist on! 
The album cover is even on a beach... is it more worthy of a holiday playlist spot?! I think not!

7. I Got U - Duke Dumont 
So i'm going on holiday with the girlies in September, hence the summer holiday playlist which this whole blog post is based on... and this is the first song I put into my holiday playlist! If you've heard this song I'm pretty sure that you will know exactly what I mean. In my opinion I would say it's one of the best summer songs this year! It's just so feel good and as soon as it comes on I feel transferred to the middle of a luxury white sandy beach somewhere really warm with non stop cocktails coming my way... until I look out of my bedroom window and I'm back in gloomy grey Manchester..Great! 
If you're going away anywhere this year, get in the mood by putting this song on when you're doing you're packing or just having one of those moments when you get really excited at a random point in the day. Such a great summer song and a great one to add to the holiday playlist.

6. Changes - Faul & Wad Ad vs Pnau
Have I mentioned that I am going away in September this year? Putting together a holiday playlist is one of the best parts of preparing for the wild antics of a girls holiday! This is one that has to go on the playlist. Another song with such a great summer vibe. If you're going on holiday you have to add it to your playlist too! I love the corus especially to this song, even though I have no idea what it actually says, you can just chant along to the chior it's got going on and you're good to go. I can just imagine this coming on being on holiday, I don't know why but I kinda of feel like i'm at a beach party... If it's not on your summer playlist, give it a listen and get adding!  

5. Rather Be - Clean Bandit
I'm slightly biased with this song as it's one of mine and D's really gay coupley songs so I automatically love it. However if you're single or you're in a relationship.. you know what it doesn't matter who you are, you should listen to this song. It's such a good feel good, I really feel like if you're feeling slightly down, maybe you're longing for it to be Friday but we're still stuck on Wednesday.. Put this song on and i'm sure you'll be smiling and singing along in no time. Perfect for a feel good No 5! 

4. Wasted - Tiesto 
 If this song doesn't get you in the mood to get your glad rags on and go party, I literally don't know what will. This is such a great song for the summer, might not be such an easy listening song but to get you in the mood for getting your drink on or escaping for that summer holiday, I think it's a must have on your playlist! And after a couple of glasses of wine, who doesn't love singing about being wasted?!

3. I Will Never Let You Down - Rita Ora
This is just a great feel good song, switch it on when you're getting ready to go out tonight and I guarantee you'll be put right in the mood to get those drinks flowing. I love that it's got quite a girly feel to it, I can image me and my girls in one of our favourite clubs outside Manchester belting it on the dance floor! Trust me, it's a must have to put in your 'getting drunk' playlist, don't try and deny the fact that you have one of those playlists - I know you do, and obviously brilliant for my holiday chart!

2. Waves - Mr Probz
What better way to get prepared for holiday than singing about waves? I love how chilled this song feels when you listen to it, but at the same time there's something about singing about waves that just transports you to being on holiday basking in the sun. It's more of a 'beach time listen' that a 'get your drink on' type of song. But you need those holiday chills as well, even when you're on a girls holiday - believe me! So this has made my number 2 spot purley because I love listening to it, closing my eyes and imagining that I'm on that beach.  

1. Gecko - Oliver Heldens & Becky Hill
This has actually recently hit the number one spot in the UK, knocking our Ella Henderson right off the top! Which in my opinion is a good thing but that's just me! Anyway back to my number 1 which is obviously way better and more official than the UK Top 40...
Not my usual type of easy listening feel good song but never the less this song is worthy of this spot and i'm sure that if you give it a listen you shall agree. Basically the reason that I chose it is the fact that it purely makes me imagine me and my girls at god knows what time in the morning dancing in some strange bar in the middle of Greece not knowing how we even ended up there.. and to be honest I couldn't be more excited for that experience. This is just the type of summer song that I feel NEEDS to be on that playlist of yours, even if you're not going away, get it on when you're getting glamed up for a night out and rest assured that you'll be getting that grove on in no time!

I hope you've enjoyed my top 10 holiday playlist and if you've not heard some of the songs on the list, give them a listen and get them on that playlist - I know that you'll love me for it, well I know that you do already but possibly love me more!

Maybe you have a totally different opinion on what you would have on your holiday playlist? I would love to hear what you think or if you have any suggestions for me to add onto mine - Get in touch!

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Monday, 16 June 2014

Digital & Social Media Life - Quick Update!

Last month, I started my new journey to becoming the big shot, social media and digital marketing goddess which I long to be, I started my Digital Marketing & Social Media apprenticeship! I actually can't believe a month has gone by already to be totally honest, we're half way through 2014 already?! Can we just slow down please? 
So, what have I been getting up to I hear you ask? Well the process is slightly slower than originally expected, however that is not to say that i'm bored and not doing anything. I am just getting into the swing of things! 
The company I work for have no social media presence at all at the moment so I am literally the person my whole office is relying on to get things off the ground so all eyes are on me! 
I have started putting a little SEO (search engine optimisation) & SMO (social media optimisation) techniques into all of our platforms so this means that more people who are wanting something from our industry are more likely to find us. Things which can help do this are keywords, update your social media platforms regularly because the more Google can see that you're keeping updated and your relevant to the search, the higher you're company will get when somebody searches your industry.
Anyway, less of the boring stuff! I'm loving basically being a twitter busy body in the office and I can spend dayss on Pinterest if i'm not careful! I'm not doing too much tweeting at the moment as I'm just settling in but it's great keeping up to date with whats going on and having a nosy at our competitors! One of the most exciting moments was obviously sending out my first tweet! It's a really weird feeling knowing it's going to a totally different audience and whether they're going to accept you or not - although it's not like people even know that its me writing behind that screen so it's like a whole new way of re-inventing myself!
Basically that's me in a nut shell, it's been a really great journey so far and i'm really looking forward to taking my company further, I think we're going to try and put an architecture blog together for our website which would be really exciting, if you have any thoughts on that, please let me know as I'm not sure how accepted it would be out there! 
Look out for more updates coming soon, hopefully when we get our blog up and running! I wouldn't be having half the fun i'm having at the moment if it wasn't for my blog. I am loving being on this journey and following a dream I didn't even realise I had until recently so thank you everyone who has supported me this far and will continue doing so in the future!

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Sunday, 1 June 2014

Thoughts of a weekend with D!

Happy Sunday bloggers and readers and general internettes! 
So it's the beginning of June, the sun is shining and the birds are singing away in the trees, is it fair to say that summer may have arrived here in England? I guess we'll be able to say in a couple of days time when the rain has made its way back, or if it has made its way back anyway! 

I have come to write to you today because I have had a lovely weekend with my dearly beloved D - my boyfriend. I think I have referred to him as D before just because I don't want to use real names as I don't think it's fair to him.

So I have been with my D this weekend and with the weather being lovely and us being together, we have just had a perfect weekend enjoying each others company. Have you thrown up yet? I'm sorry to be soppy but I realised that I actually hadn't blogged at all yet about the most important person in my life, so I thought I'd do a short little post showcasing our lovely relationship and what a lovely weekend we have had together. 

In total honesty we haven't been up to all that much, I think that's the beauty of being with somebody for so long, it's close to 2 years now since we started dating and one of my favourite things to do is stay in with a cup of tea, watch really cheesy movies and just talk about literally anything which is basically what our weekend has consisted of. 

Yesterday we caught up with a friend which was nice but our Saturday night was the best part of the day, spent cooking in the kitchen together followed by a good old dose of Britain's Got Talent, which I think it's getting a little past its sell by date now if I'm totally honest but still, good Saturday night tele all the same. We had a couple of ciders going and lots of cuddles filled with lots of love, it's ok, I'll pause for a second whilst you go and get a fresh sick bag... done? Ok carrying on...
So now to my favourite part of our weekend, today! I'm just gonna put it out there that I love Sunday's, I don't get all these posts on the internet about Sunday's being the worst day of the week. I mean I get it that yeah it's Monday tomorrow and I really don't want to go back to work after having a lovely weekend however if there is one day in the week when you can do absolutely nothing and get away with it, Sunday is your day!  

As I mentioned at the start of the post, today the weather is stunning, which has obviously been an added reason to make this Sunday one of the best, apart from the fact I'm with D. Anyway we have obviously been in the sun, we went into our little home village to do a little bit of shopping and had a lovely walk together with D's dog in the sun leading to a perfect Sunday morning. Followed by a lovely lunch sat in the garden soaking up some rays of sunshine and passing the time talking about little random things. Next to another of my favourite things to pass the time on a Sunday afternoon, baking! That's right, any of you lovely couples out there want a cute little bonding session to pass some time, I definitely recommend getting your hands dirty with some lovely baking. It's great team work and just a lovely way to spend time with the one you love doing something fun and rewarding at the end, after all, who doesn't love licking the cake mix off the spoon?! And obviously the best part is when it's all finished and you can sit down with a cup of tea, put your feet up and have a slice of your home made bake! That's perfection right there and that is how me and my D will be spending the rest of our afternoon. Probably go and get some more sun with our home made bake as well at the end of it! 
Our final oh so sickly product!

I hope all of you have had a lovely weekend and your enjoying some sun where ever you may be! Grab that someone special, put on your apron and get baking, or just grab some beer and go and sit in the garden, which ever takes your fancy! 

Catch up again soon my lovelies,
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Thursday, 22 May 2014

My Favourite Celeb Couples of 2014 So Far!

Hello dear internetters! Long time no cyber speak! 

I'm sorry i've been away for a little bit, family issues got the better of me! Anyway I am back with a cute little post showcasing my obsession with celebrity couples! 

We all love a good gossip about the celeb world, who's dating who, who's breaking up, who's getting married etc. And at the moment the celeb couples are out in force with it being award season and all that. So I thought I would share my favourite celeb couples from the award season this year, the best looking and just the down right cuties! 

Blake Lively & Ryan Reynolds 

Look how beautiful they are?! They have got to be one of the most attractive couples to ever grace the Met Gala red carpet! Ok so i'm slightly biased as one of my major girl crushes is Blake Lively after being obsessed with Gossip Girl but still, she looks beautiful in her baby pink ball gown and the best accessory on her arm in the form of Ryan Reynolds! 

Emma Stone & Andrew Garfield

Eeek I just love, love, love this couple! Again another fabulously good looking couple to grace the Met Gala red carpet. They seem, to me anyway, to just look perfect on each others arms. If any of you have seen The Amazing Spiderman 2, you will know what I mean when I say that they have the perfect chemistry on and off the screen, if you've not seen it, it is definitely worth a watch, even if it's just to swoon over this adorable couple! 

Aaron & Lauren Paul 

 The best part of Breaking Bad, in my opinion is Jesse, played by the lovely Aaron Paul. a brilliant actor and just the most adorable husband to the beautiful Lauren Parsekian. Here they are together at the Golden Globes this year showing each other off both looking adorable as ever. If you follow Aaron Paul and Lauren on instagram (my favourite app in the world) you will know just how loved up these two really are. They both literally worship each other and I think you can really see it when they are together. I just lav em! 

Gerard Pique & Shakira  
Now I have to admit I haven't really been following this couple much as they have been together so it's only recently that I have started to love them. I just think that they look great together and they act it as well! I've been reading that she loves to attend as many football matches of his when she can and he does the same for her when she if off touring etc. This was taken recently at the Billboard awards this year, for one I love Shakira's style anyway, her dress here is stunning and what better way to grace the Billboard carpet than all loved up with this hunk of of man on your arm?! Lush!

Beyonce & Jay Z 

So my final favey celeb couple is Beyonce & Jay Z. Could I have done a list of favourite celeb couples without them? Oh god no! They are THE power couple of our whole generation if i'm totally honest and I just don't know what a red carpet would look like without them holding on to each others hands - which I think is adorable that they actually do that... Sometimes I feel so silly when I hold my boyfriends hand but its comforting and just oh so cute in my opinion! This couple is a match made in heaven, you can tell that they adore each other and they are each others best feature, and the best to conclude my favourite celeb couples of the year so far!

Are you obsessed with celebrity gossip? Which celebrity couple are you so obsessed with at the moment? Leave a comment and let me know, we can gossip together!

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Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Tips From A Beginner, To A Beginner!

Happy Wednesday lovelies. Today is a landmark day in the world of Trixybelle, a very tiny landmark, but a landmark all the same! 
So this is my 10th post *little cheer* my first very small scale blogging achievement. And even though in the blogging world it is a small achievement, it's an achievement to me! 
So to celebrate my little achievement, I thought I would share some tips of what I have learnt so far being a beginner in the blogging world, to anyone out there who is just starting out as well! 
1. Go For it! 
When I first started out I wasn't really sure if blogging was the thing for me, I didn't really have a niche or a set topic so I thought I would just be trying to write about things but people wouldn't care and no one would read. However I was totally wrong. Although sometimes I do get worried that I am going slightly under the radar, it's all about getting yourself out there, social media will become your best friend! If I do get slightly down about not getting noticed, I remember how much I love blogging. I love being able to be me and people read about things I love and getting good feedback on a post you've written is a really encouraging feeling! If you're reading this thinking about blogging but are not sure it is something for you, just do it, go for it! It's the best thing I have ever done and when I look back to the beginning of my journey I really wouldn't change anything. Be who you are, blog about what you want and readers will enjoy anything. You will be surprised at what people actually want to read about on the internet! 
Or Guy...

2. Get Glipho
One of the best tips I have received so far is to join Glipho. It is a social site where you can promote your blog and get it noticed more. You can choose a category which best suits your blog post so it gets trending more on the site. All you have to do is import your posts on to the site. It's a really easy site to use and a great way to connect with other bloggers like you and also do some great self promoting! Also if you share your post on twitter through Glipho, the team are great at promoting your blog for you so they will retweet your tweet or do a tweet for you, promoting your new post. Really easy to use and it has kept me blogging, otherwise I really would feel like I was slipping under the radar. There are other sites like Glipho, for example Bloglovin' which I have signed up for but don't actually use as I feel it's slightly over complicated and Glipho is a lot easier to use in my opinion, but for more views I would recommend having both as the more sights you share your blog on, the more you'll get noticed. 
3. Don't be scared of being you.
Something which really shocked me being a blogger was how much people actually like to read something which seems more personal. Don't be afraid to put yourself out there, if you have an idea of a post which you think you would like to read - majority of the time, this means that someone else will want to read it too! 
Obviously I'm not saying throw your whole life out there but I know that I love reading blog posts which are a little bit personal to someone, it's great feeling like you're getting to know the writer without even talking to them. So if you are thinking of doing a personal blog but you're worried that people wont want to read it, don't be, referring back to my first point - Go for it! 
4. Twitter
Twitter is really really useful for bloggers. The use of the # is really key for getting your blog noticed for example #fbloggers #bbloggers #lbloggers are the main tags to use for fashion, beauty and lifestyle bloggers, I know that I follow what goes on so other people definitely will be. It's great to get your blog out there. Also twitter communities are great, there are a couple of chats which you can follow through the week for example - #fblchat, #bloggerspace  are a couple of chats which go on during the week, you can follow these on twitter and get chatting. I've met loads of new people through the chats and again - a great way to get your blog out there and noticed. Also people on twitter are lovely so any questions which you have about the blogging world, I have always found the answer through asking these chats, everyone is always glad to help and you can learn loads of cool tips and tricks of the trade! Take a look, #fblchat every Tuesday night 8pm - 9pm. #bloggerspace every Thursday night 7pm - 8pm. 
Images Images Images! 
The best blogs to read in my opinion are the ones which have lots of images. They are a great way of breaking up text so that people don't get put of my large amounts of essay like text when they log onto your blog! And they can make your blog look great and also add a sense of humour, everybody loves a good meme right?! Google is your oyster, have a look at anything you like, I could spend hours looking at Google images collecting funny little images for my blog, it's great. Not just Google either, images can be used to make your blog seem more personal by adding a quick selfie or a picture of something you've recently done/somewhere you've been! 
I hope my tips have been helpful to you and if you are thinking of blogging but not sure, go for it, it's the best thing you'll ever do! 
I hope the next 10 posts of mine will keep me going strong as a blogger and I'm sure there will be many stories to come, you can follow my journey to becoming a successful blogger right here! See you soon!
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Sunday, 27 April 2014

Thoughts From A Sunday Afternoon - Tips From a Happy Trixybelle!

Well good afternoon you lovely lot! It is a very sunny Sunday afternoon where I am sat writing to you. This is making me feel slightly better about the fact that it's Sunday and I have to go back to wotk tomorrow after a week off doing nothing but watching Gossip Girl - I appreciate your sypathy.
A non related to the post comment - Ok so I was just having a look through google to see if I could find a cool Gossip Girl meme to add to this post only to find out the secret identity of Gossip Girl not reveiled until the very end and i've not even seen all of the episodes yet... what was I thinking?! I'm devastated, I'm just going to go and make some tea and try to erase my memory...
A cup of tea later and I'm back to being excited and happy, memory as much erased as possible...
I do actually have a reason to me writing to you today, it's the fact that I have just had my blog redesigned - thank's for noticing - and also the fact that even though tomorrow is Monday, it's the start of my new job role as Digital Marketing & Social Media apprentice! So my life is totally happy and exciting right now!
With all my new found excitement at the moment, I thought I would share with you my top 3 tips to stay happy (these are the top 3 of trixybelle so not totally serious!)
1. Drinking Tea
I love a good cup of tea - milk 2 sugars please - and I find that what ever the problem or the celebration, a cup of tea always has a worthy part to play. It's just an all round crowd pleaser. I couldn't imagine my life without tea, it's absolutely sunken into my daily routine and if I miss a cup throughout the day, I sure do know about it! If you don't already, I advise introducing tea into your life. This is not me saying become addicted I just mean next time you feel you need to relax, celbrate or just have a good cry - put the kettle on and make a brew, I assure you, you'll just feel good!
2. Get A Cat
So I have posted previously about my love for cats (which you can read here) and as well as them just making a home an all round better place, they manage to make you happy too. As I'm sure any pet will do, I'm just obsessed with cats... Anyway cats seem to have a special way about them which just puts a smile on your face as soon as you see them. Whether they are sat on your bed when you come home from work or they are fussing for attention around you just for some food, what ever it is, it is sure to put a smile on your face and in my opinion, a key to keeping happy! - You could alternatively look at cat videos on the internet... now theres a guarenteed smile if ever you wanted one!
 3. Do Some Shopping!
Every girl knows that one of the best ways to cheer herself up is to get some retail theropy. Even when it's just a day when you're feeling quite happy with yourself it's usualy "Hmm, today is a good day, I think i'll do some shopping!"
I usually tend to attempt to buy a whole new wardrobe when I'm feeling good about life and myself, until I realise that I have a limited budget so a whole new wardrobe is slightly out of the question but still, here's to wishful thinking! Whether it's clothes, make-up, jewelry, food literally anything I always like to treat myself to something when I'm in a good mood, I think its esential if i'm honest, us girls all deserve a treat from time to time right?

I hope you feel slightly happier after reading my blog and if not, then try my top 3 tips and i'm sure in no time those Sunday blues will be right out of the window!
If you have some other tips of keeping happy then let me know, I would love to try some new things and share some ideas.
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P.s: If you are loving my new blog design like my happy self, take a look at Sarah Clarke at http://sarahsmilesdesigns.blogspot.co.uk/ she is lovely and a brilliant designer as you can see! 

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Thoughts From A Digital Marketing & Social Media Apprentice!

Hello dear internetters, readers, bloggers, whoever you are, hello! I hope you have all had a wonderful Easter and enjoyed a lovely bank holiday weekend to do well... nothing - I know that's exactly what I did anyway. The weather was lovely for a couple of the days here in England so I did try to get out and enjoy some of that. Anyway, I am coming to you today to tell you about some really exciting news which was given to me just before the bank holiday Easter weekend. Trust me, all I have wanted to do since I was given the news is get onto my blog and share it with all of you, however Gossip Girl has seriously taken over my life at the moment so I apologise for that.
Back to the news...

So as I have previously mentioned I have just completed my Level 2 Business Administration course at my current office which I am glad I had the opportunity to do. I have recently established however, that what I really longed to do is Digital Marketing and Social Media. I thought that if I wanted to pursue my dream I was going to have to leave my current employer and look for somewhere that would let me do the apprenticeship course as this is the only way I was going to be able to get into this sort of career as I didn't go to college etc. So anyway my career coach, which I got as part of my previous apprenticeship course, came in to my office to see me and she knows how much I would love to be given the opportunity to do the Digital Marketing & Social Media course which they offer. At first my coach didn't think that she would be able to help because my current office doesn't really have the capacity and they are not really into all of the social media side of marketing and the academy weren't allowed to move me to a different employer offering the course with more capacity as this was ultimately against their 'rules'. As you can imagine this was heartbreaking as I do love my job at the moment and I would have loved to be the one able to introduce the company into social media. Anyway, after a long morning of talking to my boss and my career coach, it was finally decided that it was exactly what the business needed and it would be a great opportunity for me to get the qualification for me to progress into the industry. I think my heart might have skipped a beat as I tried to contain my excitement so as not to look like a total loony in the middle of the office!

This is what I was imagining in my head... 

So you are now looking at... Trixybelle, the new Digital Marketing & Social Media apprentice for Architect CT! (Every time I call myself that I can't stop smiling!) 

I am so lucky to be given this opportunity and I will be counting myself lucky the entire year I am doing the course for. My boss is amazing for giving me this exciting chance and I cannot wait to get started and stuck into something new!

If you are 16-18 and are looking for an opportunity like this or you are interested in a different apprenticeship course, get in touch with The Apprentice Academy, Manchester. I know that I am 19 but I did become an apprentice when I was 18 so that doesn't matter. After doing one course, there are loads of courses to choose from to progress to once your first level is complete - look at me, I was a business admin apprentice and now I'm doing something totally different! 

A really old photo of an excited me, I was so excited because I knew this day would come!

Stick around to follow my journey being a Digital Marketing & Social Media Apprentice, who knows where I could end up next?

Trixybelle xoxo