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Sunday, 1 June 2014

Thoughts of a weekend with D!

Happy Sunday bloggers and readers and general internettes! 
So it's the beginning of June, the sun is shining and the birds are singing away in the trees, is it fair to say that summer may have arrived here in England? I guess we'll be able to say in a couple of days time when the rain has made its way back, or if it has made its way back anyway! 

I have come to write to you today because I have had a lovely weekend with my dearly beloved D - my boyfriend. I think I have referred to him as D before just because I don't want to use real names as I don't think it's fair to him.

So I have been with my D this weekend and with the weather being lovely and us being together, we have just had a perfect weekend enjoying each others company. Have you thrown up yet? I'm sorry to be soppy but I realised that I actually hadn't blogged at all yet about the most important person in my life, so I thought I'd do a short little post showcasing our lovely relationship and what a lovely weekend we have had together. 

In total honesty we haven't been up to all that much, I think that's the beauty of being with somebody for so long, it's close to 2 years now since we started dating and one of my favourite things to do is stay in with a cup of tea, watch really cheesy movies and just talk about literally anything which is basically what our weekend has consisted of. 

Yesterday we caught up with a friend which was nice but our Saturday night was the best part of the day, spent cooking in the kitchen together followed by a good old dose of Britain's Got Talent, which I think it's getting a little past its sell by date now if I'm totally honest but still, good Saturday night tele all the same. We had a couple of ciders going and lots of cuddles filled with lots of love, it's ok, I'll pause for a second whilst you go and get a fresh sick bag... done? Ok carrying on...
So now to my favourite part of our weekend, today! I'm just gonna put it out there that I love Sunday's, I don't get all these posts on the internet about Sunday's being the worst day of the week. I mean I get it that yeah it's Monday tomorrow and I really don't want to go back to work after having a lovely weekend however if there is one day in the week when you can do absolutely nothing and get away with it, Sunday is your day!  

As I mentioned at the start of the post, today the weather is stunning, which has obviously been an added reason to make this Sunday one of the best, apart from the fact I'm with D. Anyway we have obviously been in the sun, we went into our little home village to do a little bit of shopping and had a lovely walk together with D's dog in the sun leading to a perfect Sunday morning. Followed by a lovely lunch sat in the garden soaking up some rays of sunshine and passing the time talking about little random things. Next to another of my favourite things to pass the time on a Sunday afternoon, baking! That's right, any of you lovely couples out there want a cute little bonding session to pass some time, I definitely recommend getting your hands dirty with some lovely baking. It's great team work and just a lovely way to spend time with the one you love doing something fun and rewarding at the end, after all, who doesn't love licking the cake mix off the spoon?! And obviously the best part is when it's all finished and you can sit down with a cup of tea, put your feet up and have a slice of your home made bake! That's perfection right there and that is how me and my D will be spending the rest of our afternoon. Probably go and get some more sun with our home made bake as well at the end of it! 
Our final oh so sickly product!

I hope all of you have had a lovely weekend and your enjoying some sun where ever you may be! Grab that someone special, put on your apron and get baking, or just grab some beer and go and sit in the garden, which ever takes your fancy! 

Catch up again soon my lovelies,
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