Well good afternoon you lovely lot! It is a very sunny Sunday afternoon where I am sat writing to you. This is making me feel slightly better about the fact that it's Sunday and I have to go back to wotk tomorrow after a week off doing nothing but watching Gossip Girl - I appreciate your sypathy.
A non related to the post comment - Ok so I was just having a look through google to see if I could find a cool Gossip Girl meme to add to this post only to find out the secret identity of Gossip Girl not reveiled until the very end and i've not even seen all of the episodes yet... what was I thinking?! I'm devastated, I'm just going to go and make some tea and try to erase my memory...
A cup of tea later and I'm back to being excited and happy, memory as much erased as possible...
I do actually have a reason to me writing to you today, it's the fact that I have just had my blog redesigned - thank's for noticing - and also the fact that even though tomorrow is Monday, it's the start of my new job role as Digital Marketing & Social Media apprentice! So my life is totally happy and exciting right now!
With all my new found excitement at the moment, I thought I would share with you my top 3 tips to stay happy (these are the top 3 of trixybelle so not totally serious!)
1. Drinking Tea
I love a good cup of tea - milk 2 sugars please - and I find that what ever the problem or the celebration, a cup of tea always has a worthy part to play. It's just an all round crowd pleaser. I couldn't imagine my life without tea, it's absolutely sunken into my daily routine and if I miss a cup throughout the day, I sure do know about it! If you don't already, I advise introducing tea into your life. This is not me saying become addicted I just mean next time you feel you need to relax, celbrate or just have a good cry - put the kettle on and make a brew, I assure you, you'll just feel good!
2. Get A Cat
So I have posted previously about my love for cats (which you can read here) and as well as them just making a home an all round better place, they manage to make you happy too. As I'm sure any pet will do, I'm just obsessed with cats... Anyway cats seem to have a special way about them which just puts a smile on your face as soon as you see them. Whether they are sat on your bed when you come home from work or they are fussing for attention around you just for some food, what ever it is, it is sure to put a smile on your face and in my opinion, a key to keeping happy! - You could alternatively look at cat videos on the internet... now theres a guarenteed smile if ever you wanted one!
3. Do Some Shopping!
Every girl knows that one of the best ways to cheer herself up is to get some retail theropy. Even when it's just a day when you're feeling quite happy with yourself it's usualy "Hmm, today is a good day, I think i'll do some shopping!"
Every girl knows that one of the best ways to cheer herself up is to get some retail theropy. Even when it's just a day when you're feeling quite happy with yourself it's usualy "Hmm, today is a good day, I think i'll do some shopping!"
I usually tend to attempt to buy a whole new wardrobe when I'm feeling good about life and myself, until I realise that I have a limited budget so a whole new wardrobe is slightly out of the question but still, here's to wishful thinking! Whether it's clothes, make-up, jewelry, food literally anything I always like to treat myself to something when I'm in a good mood, I think its esential if i'm honest, us girls all deserve a treat from time to time right?
I hope you feel slightly happier after reading my blog and if not, then try my top 3 tips and i'm sure in no time those Sunday blues will be right out of the window!
If you have some other tips of keeping happy then let me know, I would love to try some new things and share some ideas.
P.s: If you are loving my new blog design like my happy self, take a look at Sarah Clarke at http://sarahsmilesdesigns.blogspot.co.uk/ she is lovely and a brilliant designer as you can see!