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Thursday, 3 April 2014

Thoughts of an office rant...

Hello again my sweeties (I am referring to you as sweeties as I am currently in a state of throwing foam banana's into my mouth at my desk, so yes, this is what you are named after, feel privileged) I have a pretty good feeling that this is one of those posts that you're going to read and then wish that you hadn't just wasted 5 minutes of your life reading it. But hey-ho, i'm writing it anyway.

So for those of you who don't know, I am an administrative assistant, after completing my level 2 NVQ in business administration, working in a little architect's office in my sweet little home village of Bramhall. Not that any of you would know that as I've only been blogging for a very short amount of time and in that time, I've not mentioned anything about my life...anyway moving swiftly on.
I have been working pretty much since I left school, I did try my hand at college but it wasn't really my thaaang, plus I really was in with the wrong crowd of people, I got into a bad place in my life but that's another story definitely for another day, i'm sorry but i'm just not at that place with you yet!

So for now i'm working in my little office, I do like it, I complain a lot to my boyfriend when I have bad days's but don't we all have bad days? So it's not my dream of blogging about the best fashion trends in NYC I know, but until I get there, this is where I am.

Since i'm having a quiet afternoon in the office, I thought I would share some thoughts of what it's like being a young girl working in an office full of established architect's and interior designers.

Being the youngest girl in the office is a really hard part to play for a fair few good reasons.
1. We listen to an 80's radio station in the office (which I absolutely adore can I just add) this causes problems for me. For instance, there's the whole "Aww Bea, you weren't even alive when this was around" as I am clearly bopping my head to a tune which I love. Ok so no I wasn't born but does that really mean that I can't appreciate the legendary music that came out of the 80's? They then continue on to tell some, at the time hilarious story that happened to them in the 80's and I have to proceed to sit there with that grin that looks like you're really interested, when actually in you're head you're thinking "what are you talking about?!". And then follows the "*sigh*, it's not like it was in those days anymore!".

2. I answer the phone at work and I have no issue with this at all, the majority of people on the end of the phone are lovely. Being an architect's office we get a lot of builders phoning, builders are lovely! There just big lads who call you 'love' down the phone and actually ask how you're day is going and if you had a good weekend. It's the rich clients that are the worst, I literally think that they can hear my actual age down the phone even when I think i'm sounding like I'm 30, i'm sussed out straight away. It probably doesn't help that when i'm trying to be nice and polite I resemble an 8 year old girl asking for a toy for Christmas.  I think that these people assume receptionist/admin's have no feelings. We are the wall's that stand in front of where they actually want to go and to get to where they need to be, all they have to do is knock this wall down - or me. They literally speak to you like you don't matter in the world, the worst part is, when I've actually passed the line to their desired place, you can hear them laughing and joking and being all lovely and innocent. This really winds me up the wrong way, it's very frustrating to think that you don't matter in someone else's mind. But anyhoooo, I think it's probably more to do with me and my issue in having to actually be sociable to someone...

So both of those are little factors which annoy me slightly in my job however the worst of all is my name. This is the biggest issue I will face no matter what job I go into. However being on the phone is probably the worst. As some of you probably know (if you read my first blog.. yes all 21 of you!) my full name is Beatrix. With an 'x'. You have no idea how many times I have to repeat this through the day. Then there's the spelling, my email at work is my name and then the company address and it's amazing how many people can get my name on the email link right the name they put on the email is  'Beatrice' i'm sorry but that's not my name. 
And then of course, I think 9/10 time through the day it will be 
"I'll just take your name to pass on"
"Beatrix" (with a lot of emphasis on the 'x' )
"Is that with and 'x'"
"Ooo like the author!"

Oh jees. 

Anyway I do like my job, it's just the little things that you have to get off your chest from time to time.

See, I told you you'll be wanting those five minutes of your life back after reading this! 

Trixybelle xoxo

P.s I'd love to hear if you have any office rants you want to share, let me know! 

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