Since I was young I have had a sincere love for all animals, I think I have stronger feelings towards animals than humans if I'm totally honest. Anyway, I've not always had cat's in my life I didn't actually have a pet at all until I begged my Mum to let me get a hamster when I was about 12. My first hamster was my first love, she was amazing she would fall asleep on my lap and everything, a bit like a cat really! She lived a fabulous life until the age of 1 and a half and then she had to be put down. I'm telling you now, the most traumatic day of my life I'm not sure anything has yet come close, I should probably stop talking about this before I start leaking all over my keyboard.
My First Hamster, Tilly. I know she's adorable right?
So anyway I've had a couple of hamsters down the line and I've got a lovely bunny rabbit but I always wanted a cat. My dream came true about a year and a bit ago when my beloved Tommy came into my life. I do truly believe now more than I ever did that every home should have a cat and here's some reasons why.
It's Like Having A Baby, Without Having A Baby.
We got Tommy when he was just about 12 weeks old, so still only just a baby. This meant that I could nurture him and bring him up exactly how I wanted to. Cat's are like baby's but without all the stress of actually having a baby. They give you cuddles and they know that you're their parent but they know what to do all by themselves. They know when they need to go to the toilet or they want to sleep etc. All you need to do is feed them and let them in and out when they demand it! Tommy is still my little baby even though he's growing up... and the fact that he's a cat, but he needs his mummy, I know he does (he's even listed as my son on Facebook... yes he has his own Facebook.)
How cute is this little boy?
There's Always Someone To Talk To.
Yes OK so I know he's a cat but lets face it, who doesn't talk to their pets? I hate being alone in my house, I know people love it but I really do not like it. I get bored and I just like having people to talk to if i'm honest, people who I actually want to talk to anyway! Having a cat counts as one of those people, it's great when you come down in the morning and he's there waiting for our daily chat about what he might have caught during the night etc, if he's been out with his 'mates'. We all know cat's do not have mates, he's protecting his territory and getting into fights but we don't like to think of him like that! Anyway, I like to think he listens, he knows the sound of my voice I know that for sure and what ever the subject matter, I know that Tommy will always listen, even if he doesn't have a clue what i'm going on about and he's just waiting for his food!
A Guaranteed Smile On Your Face
I dislike people who say cat's are boring, I think that they are the total opposite. I know they have their basic routine - eat, sleet, poo, eat... But they also have their little random time when they come and unexpectedly sit on your lap. Or they run around the house at god knows what time in the morning just because they are bored and miss your company oh so much! No matter what Tommy is up to, whether I see him in the morning or I come home at night, he is always able to make me smile. He sleeps in the funniest positions our Tommy does, he likes to spread his entire body over the surface of which he chooses to sleep on. Or sometimes he likes to go on the pipes where he knows that it's warm. And now that the sun is out, we have caught him sunbathing a couple of times as well which he absolutely loves.
At the moment he is developing his voice box and has not quite officially learnt how to fully 'meow' so he does these little noises which I understand to be known as 'chirrups'. Just to let you know, the cutest noise known to man! I love it when Tommy does this little noise like he's talking back to me or when he wants something - Another guaranteed smile on your face!
As you can see I am a total cat person and after having a cat now in my home, I don't think I could ever be without one.
Let me know if you have a cat which always makes you happy, or maybe your the total opposite and hate cats? You think every home should have a dog? Let me know, I would love to get to know some fellow cat lovers!
Trixybelle xoxo
P.s Have a really cute gif of two kitty's having a kissy! You can thank me later.
A Guaranteed Smile On Your Face
I dislike people who say cat's are boring, I think that they are the total opposite. I know they have their basic routine - eat, sleet, poo, eat... But they also have their little random time when they come and unexpectedly sit on your lap. Or they run around the house at god knows what time in the morning just because they are bored and miss your company oh so much! No matter what Tommy is up to, whether I see him in the morning or I come home at night, he is always able to make me smile. He sleeps in the funniest positions our Tommy does, he likes to spread his entire body over the surface of which he chooses to sleep on. Or sometimes he likes to go on the pipes where he knows that it's warm. And now that the sun is out, we have caught him sunbathing a couple of times as well which he absolutely loves.
At the moment he is developing his voice box and has not quite officially learnt how to fully 'meow' so he does these little noises which I understand to be known as 'chirrups'. Just to let you know, the cutest noise known to man! I love it when Tommy does this little noise like he's talking back to me or when he wants something - Another guaranteed smile on your face!
As you can see I am a total cat person and after having a cat now in my home, I don't think I could ever be without one.
Let me know if you have a cat which always makes you happy, or maybe your the total opposite and hate cats? You think every home should have a dog? Let me know, I would love to get to know some fellow cat lovers!
Trixybelle xoxo
P.s Have a really cute gif of two kitty's having a kissy! You can thank me later.
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